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3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion For 2023?

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  • Post last modified:14 September 2023

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the “3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion.” In today’s digital age, email marketing remains a cornerstone of effective communication and engagement with your audience. However, with a multitude of email marketing tools available, finding the perfect fit for your business can be a challenging task.

In this guide, we’ll delve into three prominent email marketing tools GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse – to help you make an informed decision and inform you about 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion. We’ll explore their features, limitations, pricing, and more, ensuring that by the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped to elevate your email marketing strategy. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketing enthusiast, this guide will provide you with the insights you need to choose the right tool to drive your email campaigns forward.

User-Friendliness and Interface


User-Friendly Interface

GetResponse stands out for its user-friendly interface that caters to both beginners and experienced marketers. The drag-and-drop editor is a standout feature, allowing you to effortlessly create visually appealing emails without any coding knowledge.

Dashboard Navigation

Upon logging in, you’re greeted with a clean and well-organized dashboard. Tabs for creating campaigns, managing contacts, and analyzing reports are clearly visible, ensuring easy navigation between tasks. The clean design reduces clutter, making it simple to locate the tools you need.

Ease of Use

Get Response prioritizes simplicity. The menu structure is logical, and each feature is accompanied by tooltips and guides, making the learning curve manageable. This tool’s user-friendliness is particularly advantageous for those new to email marketing.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion Get response Dashboard


Simplicity and Depth

ActiveCampaign’s interface strikes a balance between simplicity and depth. While it might require a bit more time to explore, the effort is rewarded by its comprehensive set of features, including automation and CRM capabilities.

Visual Automation Builder

The visual automation builder is where ActiveCampaign shines. While it might appear intricate at first glance, its visual representation of automation workflows makes designing complex campaigns remarkably straightforward. Users can map out customer journeys with triggers, actions, and conditions visually.

Personalization Features

Active Campaign’s interface empowers users to create highly personalized campaigns. The deep segmentation options and behavioral triggers allow you to tailor your emails based on specific user actions, leading to more engaging and relevant content.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion Active campaign Dashboard


Minimalistic Approach

SendPulse takes a minimalistic approach to its interface, focusing on straightforward navigation and usability. Its dashboard is designed to provide essential features without overwhelming users with unnecessary elements.

Email Editor

The email editor in SendPulse is simple and easy to understand. While it may not offer the same level of customization as some other tools, its simplicity can be a boon, especially for those who want to create quick and effective campaigns without a steep learning curve.

AI-Powered Personalization

SendPulse’s interface includes AI-powered personalization features that make creating dynamic content a breeze. The platform can automatically insert individual subscriber details, such as names and preferences, into your emails for a personalized touch.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion send pulse Dashboard

Features and Capabilities

Comparing the features and capabilities of email marketing tools is crucial in determining which one aligns best with your marketing goals. Below, we’ll explore how GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse stand out in terms of features.


Automation: GetResponse offers robust marketing automation features. You can create automated workflows for various customer interactions, from welcome emails to cart abandonment reminders.

Landing Pages: The tool includes a user-friendly landing page builder, allowing you to create attractive pages to capture leads or promote offers.

Webinars: GetResponse goes beyond emails with its built-in webinar functionality. Host live or pre-recorded webinars directly from the platform.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion - Get response landing page


Automation and CRM Integration: ActiveCampaign excels in both email automation and CRM integration. You can create intricate automations based on customer behaviors, and its CRM capabilities help you manage leads effectively.

Conditional Content: The platform allows you to display dynamic content based on subscriber actions, ensuring personalized and relevant email experiences.

Predictive Sending: ActiveCampaign’s predictive sending feature determines the optimal time to send emails to individual subscribers, enhancing open rates.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion-Activecampaign Automation


Multichannel Communication: SendPulse offers more than just email marketing. It integrates SMS, web push notifications, and chatbots, enabling a multi-channel approach.

AI-Powered Personalization: The tool leverages AI to personalize email content based on user behavior, resulting in higher engagement.

A/B Testing: SendPulse’s A/B testing feature lets you experiment with different subject lines, send times, and content variations to optimize your campaigns.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- sendpulse editor

Template Design and Customization

Crafting visually appealing emails that resonate with your audience is crucial for successful email marketing. Let’s dive into how GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse facilitate template design and customization.


Template Variety: GetResponse offers a diverse range of professionally designed templates to suit various industries and purposes.

Drag-and-Drop Editor: The user-friendly drag-and-drop editor enables you to customize templates easily by adding images, text, buttons, and other elements.

Responsive Design: GetResponse’s templates are designed to be responsive, ensuring your emails look great on any device.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion-Getresponse Email Templates


Template Library: ActiveCampaign provides a collection of templates designed for different campaign types, helping you get started quickly.

HTML Customization: For users with HTML knowledge, ActiveCampaign allows advanced customization, granting you more control over the appearance of your emails.

Personalization Tags: The platform enables you to insert personalization tags that dynamically populate subscriber names and other details.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion-Active campaign Email Templates


Responsive Templates: SendPulse offers a variety of responsive templates that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes.

Email Designer: The email designer allows you to create custom emails from scratch using drag-and-drop elements and pre-designed content blocks.

Custom Code: For those with coding skills, SendPulse permits direct HTML editing for highly customized emails.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion-sendpulse Email Marketing Templates


Understanding the pricing structures of GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse is essential for choosing the right tool that aligns with your budget and needs.


Free Plan: GetResponse offers a free plan that provides basic email marketing features for up to a certain number of subscribers. However, advanced features like automation and webinars are typically available in paid plans.

Paid Plans: GetResponse’s paid plans start at various price points, depending on the number of subscribers and features you require. The pricing scales as your subscriber list grows.

30-Day Trial: The platform often provides a 30-day free trial of their paid plans, allowing you to test their advanced features before committing and that’s why it is included in the list of 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- Getresponse pricing


Free Trial: ActiveCampaign offers a 14-day free trial that allows you to explore their features, including advanced automations and CRM capabilities which includes it in the list of 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion.

Paid Plans: ActiveCampaign’s paid plans are tiered based on the number of subscribers you have. They offer various levels of features and support, allowing you to choose the plan that fits your requirements.

Custom Pricing: For businesses with specific needs, ActiveCampaign provides custom pricing options to tailor the plan to your exact needs.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- Activecampaign pricing


Free Plan: SendPulse provides a free plan that offers basic email marketing features, including email sending and list management, up to a certain subscriber limit. So that’s why it is best fit for the list of 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion.

Paid Plans: SendPulse’s paid plans offer more advanced features, such as advanced personalization, A/B testing, and increased sending limits. Pricing varies based on subscriber count.

Pay-as-You-Go: In addition to monthly plans, SendPulse offers a pay-as-you-go pricing option, allowing you to purchase email credits as needed.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- Sendpulse pricing

Contact Management

Effectively managing your contacts is vital for targeted and successful email campaigns. Here’s how GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse facilitate contact management.


Contact Segmentation: GetResponse offers robust segmentation options, allowing you to categorize your contacts based on various criteria like location, behavior, and interests.

Tagging System: The platform utilizes a tagging system, making it easy to label contacts and send personalized emails based on their tags.

List Management: GetResponse provides clear list management features to help you organize your contacts efficiently.


Advanced Segmentation: ActiveCampaign boasts advanced segmentation capabilities, enabling you to create intricate segments based on a combination of factors.

Lead Scoring: The platform allows you to assign scores to contacts based on their interactions, helping you prioritize and target high-engagement leads.

CRM Integration: ActiveCampaign seamlessly integrates with its CRM features, providing a holistic view of your contacts’ interactions.


Custom Fields: SendPulse lets you add custom fields to your contact database, allowing you to store and manage additional information beyond the basics.

Subscription Forms: The platform offers customizable subscription forms that help you collect relevant data during the sign-up process.

Unsubscribe Management: SendPulse automates unsubscribe management, ensuring compliance with email regulations and maintaining a clean contact list.

Deliverability Rates

Ensuring your emails reach your recipients’ inboxes is essential for the success of your email marketing campaigns. Let’s examine the deliverability rates of GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse.


High Deliverability: GetResponse has a reputation for maintaining high deliverability rates, which means your emails are more likely to reach your subscribers’ inboxes and not end up in spam folders.

Spam Testing: The platform offers tools to test your emails for potential spam triggers before sending, helping you optimize your content for better deliverability.

List Hygiene: GetResponse emphasizes list hygiene, assisting you in keeping your contact list clean and free from invalid or inactive email addresses.


Focus on Engagement: ActiveCampaign’s focus on engagement-based marketing contributes to its strong deliverability rates. Emails are more likely to be delivered when they are relevant and engage recipients.

Segmentation Impact: The advanced segmentation capabilities allow you to send targeted content to specific groups, reducing the likelihood of sending irrelevant emails that could harm deliverability.

Compliance Support: ActiveCampaign offers compliance support to help you follow email marketing regulations, positively influencing your deliverability.


Deliverability Enhancement: SendPulse employs various techniques to enhance deliverability, including email authentication protocols and optimizing sending times.

Spam Check: The platform includes a spam check feature that evaluates your email’s content against common spam filters, improving the chances of avoiding the spam folder.

Feedback Loop: SendPulse provides a feedback loop, allowing you to receive notifications when recipients mark your emails as spam, so you can take necessary action.

Reporting and Analytics

Measuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns is essential for continuous improvement. Let’s explore how GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse facilitate reporting and analytics.


Comprehensive Reporting: GetResponse provides detailed reports on key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates, giving you insights into how your campaigns perform.

Conversion Tracking: The platform allows you to set up conversion tracking, helping you understand which emails lead to actual conversions on your website.

A/B Testing Results: GetResponse offers A/B testing features, enabling you to compare different elements of your emails and analyze which variations perform better.


Behavioral Tracking: ActiveCampaign tracks recipient behavior, allowing you to see which links were clicked and what content engaged your audience the most.

Goal Tracking: The platform lets you set up goals, such as website visits or purchases, and track how your emails contribute to achieving those goals.

Segment Performance: ActiveCampaign provides insights into how different segments of your audience interact with your emails, aiding in refining your targeting.


Click Maps: SendPulse’s click maps visualize which parts of your emails are clicked the most, helping you understand user preferences and adjust your content accordingly.

Heatmaps: The platform offers heatmaps that display how recipients scroll through your emails, providing insights into their engagement levels.

Geolocation Data: SendPulse includes geolocation data, letting you know where your recipients are located and tailoring your content based on their location.


Seamless integration with other tools and platforms enhances the capabilities of your email marketing efforts. Let’s explore how GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse excel in terms of integrations.


Third-Party Integrations: GetResponse offers a wide range of integrations with popular third-party tools such as CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and content management systems.

E-commerce Platforms: It seamlessly integrates with major e-commerce platforms, allowing you to sync customer data and create targeted email campaigns.

Webinar Platforms: GetResponse’s integration with webinar platforms enables you to promote and manage webinars alongside your email campaigns.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- Get response integration


CRM Integration: ActiveCampaign’s strong CRM integration empowers you to centralize customer data and deliver personalized content based on interactions.

E-commerce Integrations: It seamlessly connects with e-commerce platforms, enabling you to use purchase history and browsing behavior to tailor email content.

Social Media Connections: ActiveCampaign integrates with social media platforms, facilitating audience segmentation based on social interactions.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- Activecampaign integration


API Integration: SendPulse offers API integration, allowing you to connect it with custom-built applications and tools specific to your business needs.

Zapier Integration: It integrates with Zapier, opening up a vast array of possibilities for connecting with over 2,000 other apps and automating workflows.

CMS Integration: SendPulse seamlessly integrates with popular content management systems, streamlining your email marketing efforts.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion-sendpulse integration

Support and Resources

Having access to reliable support and educational resources is essential for effectively utilizing email marketing tools. Let’s examine how GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse provide support and resources to users.


24/7 Customer Support: GetResponse offers round-the-clock customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, and phone support.

Knowledge Base: The platform provides a comprehensive knowledge base with articles, tutorials, and guides to help users navigate through the tool’s features.

Webinars and Workshops: GetResponse regularly hosts webinars and workshops, allowing users to learn from experts and gain valuable insights.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- Get response support


Priority Support: ActiveCampaign’s higher-tier plans include priority support, ensuring faster responses to user inquiries.

Community Forum: The platform hosts an active community forum where users can ask questions, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Academy: ActiveCampaign’s academy provides a variety of courses and resources to help users maximize the tool’s potential.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion-Active Campaign


24/7 Support: SendPulse offers around-the-clock support through live chat and email, ensuring timely assistance.

Video Tutorials: The platform provides video tutorials that guide users through various features and processes step by step.

Help Center: SendPulse’s help center contains a collection of articles and guides to assist users in using the platform effectively.

3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion- sendpulse support

Limitations of Free Plans

While the free plans of GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse offer valuable features, it’s important to be aware of their limitations to make informed decisions for your email marketing efforts.


Limited Features: The free plan of GetResponse provides basic features, but some advanced functionalities like automated workflows and webinars are often reserved for paid plans.

Subscriber Limits: The number of subscribers you can have on the free plan is limited, which might become a constraint as your email list grows.

Branding: GetResponse may include branding in the emails sent through the free plan, which might not align with your branding strategy.


Limited Automations: The free plan of ActiveCampaign offers only basic automation capabilities, limiting your ability to create complex workflows.

Subscriber Caps: The number of subscribers you can have on the free plan is restricted, potentially hindering your ability to reach a larger audience.

Advanced Features: Some advanced features, such as CRM integration and lead scoring, may not be available in the free plan.


Sending Limits: SendPulse’s free plan typically imposes a limit on the number of emails you can send per month, which might be restrictive for active campaigns.

Branding: The free plan may include SendPulse branding in your emails, which could impact your brand’s professionalism.

Feature Restrictions: Advanced features like A/B testing and in-depth analytics may not be accessible on the free plan.

Conclusion of 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion

Choosing the right email marketing tool is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your marketing success. Let’s recap our insights into GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse to help you make an informed choice.


Pros: GetResponse shines with its user-friendly interface, extensive template library, and advanced automation capabilities. Its support and educational resources empower users to create effective campaigns.

Cons: The limitations of the free plan and potential branding in emails might be drawbacks for some users.

Final Thoughts: GetResponse is an excellent choice for those seeking a well-rounded email marketing tool with a wide range of features. Its paid plans offer scalability and a robust set of tools to elevate your campaigns.


Pros: ActiveCampaign excels in automation and CRM integration, allowing for personalized and targeted campaigns. Its community forum and academy offer valuable resources for learning.

Cons: The free plan limitations and potential feature restrictions may impact users with specific requirements.

Final Thoughts: ActiveCampaign is a powerhouse for businesses that prioritize engagement-based marketing. Its paid plans provide access to a wealth of advanced features that can significantly enhance your email marketing strategy.


Pros: SendPulse’s multichannel communication options, AI-powered personalization, and A/B testing features make it stand out. Its pay-as-you-go option offers flexibility.

Cons: The sending limits on the free plan and potential branding in emails might not align with all users’ needs.

Final Thoughts: SendPulse is a versatile tool for those looking to diversify their communication channels. Its focus on AI-driven personalization and the availability of pay-as-you-go credits provide flexibility for various business sizes.

My Thoughts

In terms of free plans and cost-effectiveness, SendPulse generally stands out. Here’s why:

  • Free Plan: SendPulse offers a free plan with basic email marketing features, including sending emails and list management. This can be a good starting point for businesses with limited budgets.
  • AI-Powered Personalization: SendPulse’s AI-powered personalization features are available even in their free plan, allowing you to create more targeted and engaging campaigns without additional cost.
  • Pay-as-You-Go: In addition to monthly plans, SendPulse offers a pay-as-you-go option, allowing you to purchase email credits as needed. This can be cost-effective if you have irregular email sending patterns.

While GetResponse and ActiveCampaign offer free plans as well, SendPulse’s inclusion of AI-powered personalization in their free plan and the flexibility of pay-as-you-go credits make it a strong contender in terms of cost-effectiveness, especially for businesses that want to leverage advanced features without a significant financial commitment. However, keep in mind that your specific needs and the features you require should be the primary factors in making your decision. It’s always a good idea to thoroughly evaluate each tool’s free plan and paid plans to ensure they align with your goals and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the significance of email marketing tools for businesses? Email marketing tools enable businesses to create, manage, and automate their email campaigns, helping them engage with their audience, build relationships, and drive conversions. These tools offer features like templates, automation, analytics, and more to enhance the effectiveness of email marketing efforts.

Q2: Are the free plans of these tools suitable for all businesses? While the free plans of GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse offer valuable features, they might have limitations that could impact larger businesses or those with specific needs. It’s important to assess your requirements and compare them with the features of the free plans to determine if they align.

Q3: Can I upgrade to a paid plan if my business grows? Yes, all three tools offer paid plans with more advanced features and scalability. As your business grows and your email marketing needs evolve, you can upgrade to a paid plan that provides the necessary features, subscriber limits, and tools to support your expanded efforts.

Q4: How do I choose the best tool for my business? Choosing the best tool depends on factors like your budget, the size of your subscriber list, the level of automation you require, and the features that align with your marketing strategy. Consider testing free trials, exploring features, and comparing pricing to find the tool that meets your specific needs.

Q5: Can I switch between these tools in the future? Yes, it’s possible to switch between these tools if your needs change. However, migrating your email list and campaigns can be a complex process. It’s recommended to plan and execute such transitions carefully to avoid disruption to your communication efforts.

Q6: Are there any hidden costs I should be aware of? While the pricing details provided by these tools are generally transparent, it’s important to review the plans and pricing pages thoroughly to understand any potential additional costs, such as overage fees for exceeding subscriber limits or extra charges for certain features.

Q7: Do these tools offer customer support? Yes, all three tools provide customer support to varying degrees. GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse offer support through channels like live chat, email, and resources like knowledge bases and webinars. Paid plans often come with priority support options.

Q8: List the names of 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion? Here are the names of 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion.

  1. Get Response
  2. ActiveCampaign
  3. SendPulse

We hope these FAQs provide additional insights into the world of email marketing tools and help you make informed decisions as you consider GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and SendPulse for your email marketing needs and searching for 3 best free email marketing tools and services lookinglion.